Marginal Cost

When you work to increase sales of a certain treatment, service or product, it’s important to consider the marginal cost. Marginal cost is the amount of money, time, etc. it takes for you to produce one more of the service or product. This is separate from the fixed cost, which is the same whether you […]

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The Kodak Study

Everyone knows that if you cut prices and don’t increase sales, your profit will go down. That’s basic math. But if you stop to examine how much you need to increase sales to allow for even a small price cut, it starts to get a bit scary. Kodak—the old film and camera company—did such a […]

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Value great employees

Good employees add value to your practice. Great employees can even make it shine. So, of course, you want to make sure those employees stick around. But that can be tough in a good job market. It can also be tough right now, since some employees may be concerned about contracting COVID-19 if they return […]

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Music to your ears

What do Led Zeppelin and Cardi B have to do with the economics of a dental office?  A lot, it turns out. Here’s how. Stay with me for a minute before I get to the dental part. The music industry was tanking a decade ago. Nobody was buying CDs anymore, and music execs struggled to […]

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