Value great employees

Good employees add value to your practice. Great employees can even make it shine. So, of course, you want to make sure those employees stick around. But that can be tough in a good job market. It can also be tough right now, since some employees may be concerned about contracting COVID-19 if they return […]

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Toothonomics 101: Regulated Markets

Last week we looked at free markets. But sometimes free markets don’t work well for everyone involved in them. That’s where regulated markets come in. In a regulated market, an entity—typically a government—will put certain restrictions, controls or privileges on a market. A classic example of a regulated market is where a government prohibits a […]

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Music to your ears

What do Led Zeppelin and Cardi B have to do with the economics of a dental office?  A lot, it turns out. Here’s how. Stay with me for a minute before I get to the dental part. The music industry was tanking a decade ago. Nobody was buying CDs anymore, and music execs struggled to […]

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What is insurance?

This seems like a pretty easy one. Most people have insurance, and everyone knows, generally, how it works. Right? Well, yes and no. In an economic sense, insurance lets us put more of our capital into running our business. Rather than having to set aside a large stash of money for a malpractice suit or […]

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